Lawyers and Tax Lawyers

An experienced team of tax litigators, with an outstanding track record.

The Audit
Anyone who receives a phone call or a letter from a CRA or QRA auditor will either draw a sharp breath or miss a heart beat. You don’t need to be dishonest to experience this anxious moment upon learning of an audit. Fiscal laws are complex, and no one can be a hundred percent sure of not having committed a potentially costly error.
The Voluntary Disclosures Program gives you a second chance to change a tax return you previously filed or to file a return that you should have filed. You can apply to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) or the Québec Revenue Agency (QRA) to ask for relief of prosecution and penalties.
fiscaliste, avoir net
The net worth method measures the wealth of a taxpayer at different years by comparing the balance sheet for those years. If the increase in value doesn’t jibe with declared income, then ...
litige fiscal
Since January 1, 1991, Canada (federal government) has a value-added tax. This taxation system is somehow similar to the situation in more than 50 countries. At each production stage of a good or service, this tax is collected from the buyer by the seller.
Support with an audit
Interfering with all contributors
Disagreement with proposed reassessment
Appeal after a reassessment
Appeal to the Tax Court of Canada or the Court of Québec
Evaluation of your tax situation
Anonymous authorized representative
Negotiation on instalment payments
Follow-up of the voluntary disclosures process
Revision and renegotiation of conditions
Net worth’s appraisal
Assistance with tax questionnaire
Assistance during audit
Go-between with collaborators
Negotiation of the proposal letter
Appeal of reassessement
Contestation à l'avis de cotisation
Overview of transactions
Révision des réclamations
Support during an audit

Tax Experts and lawyers to solve tax problems


We are a tax law firm specialized in solving all manner of tax dispute. Our Tax Litigation group has extended experience in Québec and Canada tax matters. Our experts have experience and academic backgrounds from many fields (law, accounting, finance, business, government). Our goal is to provide highly professional and efficient advice at affordable costs.

When the Canada or Québec Revenue Agency gives you notification that an audit is coming, it is normal to be worried. Their auditors are specialists, and notwithstanding the claim to only check that everything is in order, they must generate income for the government. They are proficient with accounting and technical aspects of complex laws and regulations, better than most taxpayers.

The auditors’ job is legitimate as Canada's tax system is based on self-assessment. This means that individuals voluntarily complete an income tax return to report their annual income and claim all deductions or credits that apply to their situation. While, it is legitimate and normal to conduct audits, the goal of an audit is a reassessment. The tax authorities affect resources to audits not for the sake of it. They endeavour it to be profitable.

At the audit’s stage or at the earlier step of a letter for information, you are well advised to collaborate instead of stonewalling which may spur a negative reaction. Nevertheless, the laws and regulations regarding tax matters are often arcane to most people, even professionals. It is sound practice to avoid mistakes when answering requests from the tax authorities.

We represent businesses of all size and individuals at every level and in every manner of tax dispute. The Canada and Québec Revenue Agency do attack a growing number of operations, and, in some instances, will grossly assess taxpayers for ridiculous amounts.

As experts specialized with audits, we can support you with a rigorous approach and credible reputation. Our team of experts and lawyers act honestly on behalf of clients, but we act forcefully. Tax authorities pay attention to credible representatives.

It is preferable for us to be involved as soon as possible. We can support your other professionals. The important thing is to the right thing at the right moment knowingly. That’s exactly what we offer.


Tax Newsletter

Bouton litige fiscal
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La farce grotesque de la lutte aux paradis fiscaux - 6 mars 2018
Le Journal de Montréal - Les Panama Papers, une orgie d'évasion fiscale liée aux paradis fiscaux sont rattachés à la fuite de documents du cabinet d'avocats Mossack Fonseca et mise à jour par le Consortium international des journalistes d'investigation. L'Espagne a récupéré à ce jour 156 millions $ et même le petit pays ...

Impossible de récupérer 25 G$ - 3 mars 2018
Le Journal de Montréal - La sous-commissaire adjointe, Lisa Anawati, a même fini par dire à La Presse qu'un « petit pourcentage » est directement lié aux paradis fiscaux et à de l'évasion fiscale. Rappelons qu'à la fin septembre, la ministre du Revenu Diane Lebouthillier a soutenu que le gouvernement était sur le point de ...

Le Canada veut partager plus de renseignements sur ses contribuables avec des pays étrangers - 2 mars 2018 - À l'heure actuelle, l'Agence du revenu du Canada peut uniquement partager des informations confidentielles avec d'autres pays dans le cadre d'enquêtes pour évasion fiscale, à moins que le procureur général n'obtienne une ordonnance de la cour. Cela concerne 35 pays visés par la Loi sur l'entraide ...

Budget fédéral : l'industrie réagit - 2 mars 2018 - CPA Canada dit néanmoins « approuver les nouvelles mesures et les nouveaux investissements proposés dans le budget en vue de faire échec à la fraude fiscale » et en profite pour annoncer qu'elle « continuera à collaborer avec le gouvernement fédéral et les organismes internationaux afin ...

Le fiscaliste Luc Godbout répond à vos questions sur le budget - 1 mars 2018 - Est-ce que les sommes volées en évasion fiscale seront rapatriées pour venir aider le budget et réduire la dette? – Marc Philip. Il n'y a pas de grands changements, malgré plusieurs pages consacrées à l'évitement et à l'évasion fiscaux. Le gouvernement fédéral dit : « On va travailler conjointement ...

Les transferts fiscaux réservés aux riches - 27 fevrier 2018
Le Journal de Montréal - Tout à fait insensé que les gouvernements permettent à ces milliardaires de se faire payer en actions plutôt qu'en argent et qu'ils soient complices de cette évasion fiscale « légale » en exemptant totalement d'impôt à payer la moitié de leur rémunération puisque le gain réalisé sur leurs options est ...

La lutte contre l'évasion fiscale s'intensifie - 22 fevrier 2018 - L'Agence du revenu du Canada a par ailleurs profité du séjour de sa ministre de tutelle en France pour mettre en avant l'implication des autorités fédérales en matière de lutte contre la fraude et l'évasion fiscales. Dans un communiqué, l'ARC rappelle notamment que le Forum sur l'administration fiscale ...

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